Friday, November 8, 2013

Sound Energy

This week in science we have been talking all about sound energy. Science is always a favorite part of the day and this week was no exception.

We discussed the difference between loud and soft sounds. We discussed why when we cover our ears that sounds appear softer. We had fun making loud sounds and making very soft sounds. The kiddos like making the loud sounds and I like making the soft sounds...No surprise there :)

We made a T-chart in our science notebooks and drew pictures of things that make loud sounds and pictures of things that make soft sounds.

Students are really making improvements with their writing and illustrations. We have come a long way in the last 10 weeks!

We have also been talking about how sound energy travels. We learned that all sound is caused by vibrations. We put our hands on our neck and we were able to feel our vocal chords vibrate as we spoke. Today we made guitars using boxes and rubber bands. Students were really able to see the vibration from the rubber bands.  Some worked better than others but I know everyone had fun and learned a lot!

What a sweet group of guitar players!

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